In the mid 1970's, research of the first TCP/IP network began; TCP/IP meaning Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. By the mid 1980's a successful TCP/IP network was complete. The Department of Defense (DOD) had adopted this new system for all military networking.
This network consists of multiple layers which include IP, TCP, and sockets. The IP is responsible for moving packets of data from node to node based on its IP number. This IP number serves as the destination address. The IP operates by moving data from the department, to the organization, to the region, and then finally to the world as we know it. The TCP is then responsible for verifying that this data is sent to the correct destination from the client to the server. The TCP detects lost data or errors within the transmission process and re-sends the data until all of the data is received correctly and completely. The next layer which are the sockets, serve as a package for subroutines that allow most systems access to the TCP/IP network.
Without the development of the TCP/IP network, the internet would not be possible. All of the networks of the world would not be able to connect to each other. These networks allows users with file transferring, web browsing, mailing, and other essential and convenient services.

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