Saturday, October 3, 2009

Assignment #3:Applying CMC theories to your own experience

Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) is defined as any communicative transaction which occurs through the use of two or more networked computers. Many theories have developed over the years that share both positive and negative effects of such CMC communication. The negative allegations against CMC have been divided into two categories A-socially and Anti-socially. The A-socially aspect of CMC believes that it is impoverished, impersonal, ineffectual, and emotionally cold compared to face to face communication. The Anti-socially aspect against CMC expresses that CMC diminishes face to face interaction, and is more uninhibited, more anti-normative, and more aggressive than face to face.

Not all CMC theories are negative though. One example of a positive supporter is the Social Information Processing (SIP) Theory. The theory argues that people make and maintain good relationships online all the time. Within the theory it has three principals to uncover the interpersonal nature of CMC. The first principle being time spent online; CMC gets more personal the longer people spend interacting with each other. The second principle previous interaction; relationship history increases feelings of connection. The last principle is the anticipation of future interaction; chances to interact again increases people's relational communication in CMC.

An example of an interpersonal relationship is that of the "Love Triangle" murder. The tragedy occurred over an online relationship between a Woman of West Virginia, and two men Thomas Montgomery and Brian Barrett. A jealousy war sparked between the Mr. Montgomery pretending to be a young marine, and his fellow co-worker Mr. Barrett. The end result being the murder of Mr. Barrett over an online relationship. This being a sole example of hyper personal communication gone bad. This unhealthy fantasy not being built on trust was one of the causes of the murder.

In regards to the love triangle interpersonal relationship; The socially information processing theory's principles all occurred. Over a hundred pages of correspondences where found by detectives between the three persons of the relationship. As the online fantasy developed the relationship was worsening. Threats were made by Mr. Montgomery toward Mr. Barrett and the Virginia woman. Previous interaction and anticipation of future interaction was having an affect on Mr. Montgomery; causing him to become more enraged in the situation leading to Mr. Barrett's murder.

Overall; CMC has both positive and negative aspects of communication. Through the different theories developed on the situation we can have agreements and disagreements on each founding principles. I personally think that CMC is an effective method of communication and agree with the Social Information Processing theory completely when it is used properly. Each principle of the theory pushes for a healthy relationship when used for good. On the basis of hyper personal communication, I believe that the cause of the love triangle tragedy was indeed the relationship being built on a series of complete lies, which in the long-term is never going to be good.
